Java Basic Important Questions and answers | Java Compiler | Interview Prep | StudyEcart


1. What is meant by Source Code?

Ans: Human Understandable code written using computer Level Programming language is actually called Source Code(Beginner's Level).

2. What is Native Code or Binary Code or Machine Understandable Code?

Ans: is the programming written in a low-level language that is understandable by the machine.

3. Why C++ and C are platforms Dependent?

Ans: If you compile C or C++ programs on one operating system then the compiler generates that OS(Operating System) understandable native code. This native code generated on one Operating System will not run on another OS Directly.

4. What is meant by Byte Code?

Ans: JVM understandable Code generated by the compiler is called Byte Code. Byte Code is also called Magic Value.

5. Why Java is Platform Independent?

Ans: When you write a java program and compile it on one OS then Java Compiler generates Byte code. Now you can run that byte code or magic value on any Operating System which has the JVM.

6. Why C and C++ programs execution is faster than Java programs execution?

Ans: Actually Complied code of  C or C++  programs contains binary code and that code will be executed directly but compiled code of java programs contain byte code and that byte code will be converted to native code first and then native code will  be executed.

7. What do you mean by Java Compiler?

Ans: Java Compiler is one program developed in C and C++ programming language with the name "JAVAC", and this compiler responsible for 

1. checks syntactical or grammatical errors of the programs.

2. Converts source code to byte code.

8. What is Java Interpreted?

Ans: Java Interpreter is a program developed again C and C++ Languages with the name "JAVA", java Interpreted is the responsible for 

1. will Convert byte code to native code line by line.

2. will execute source code to byte code or magic value.

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