What are Keywords in Java | Java E-Learning Platform at StudyEcart | Easy Coding

  • Keywords are basic simple keywords, which are having some predefined meaning in java Language and the meaning of these keywords can't be modified. Sometimes we can call keywords Reserve Words.
  •  keywords are should be in lowercase and we can't use these keywords as identifiers[variables, methods, classes, or any other].
  • true, false, and null are not direct keywords but are reserved as Literals.
  • There are 52+ keywords defined in Java.
  • const& goto are keywords but no direct implementation is available, so you can't use these keywords in java programming.

                                          List Of Keywords in JAVA
Data Types [8] boolean byte
short int
float double
long char
Modifiers [9] final native
abstract synchronized
transient volatile
static const*
Access Modifiers [3] private protected
Classe &Object [9] class interface
enum implements
extends super
this new
Package[2] package import
Control Statements [12] if else
switch do
case default
goto* break
continue while
return for
Exception Handling try catch
finally throws
assert throw
Other Data Types[1] void

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