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Core Java Tutorial Syllabus

Module 1: Introduction to Java

  • Introduction to Java and its features
  • Setting up Java Development Environment (JDK, IDE)
  • Writing and running your first Java program
  • Understanding Java source code, compilation, and execution
  • Exploring Java's "Hello World" program

Module 2: Variables and Data Types

  • Variables and constants
  • Primitive data types: int, double, char, boolean
  • Reference data types: String
  • Type casting and conversion

Module 3: Control Flow and Operators

  • Conditional statements: if, else if, else
  • Switch statements
  • Looping structures: for, while, do-while
  • Break and continue statements
  • Arithmetic, relational, logical operators

Module 4: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics

  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
  • Classes and objects
  • Constructors and methods
  • Access modifiers: public, private, protected
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Method Overriding and Overloading

Module 5: Arrays and Collections

  • Introduction to arrays
  • Array declaration, initialization, and traversal
  • Introduction to Collections framework (Lists, Sets, Maps)
  • ArrayList: Adding, accessing, and removing elements

Module 6: Exception Handling

  • Understanding exceptions and errors
  • try-catch blocks
  • Handling multiple exceptions
  • Using finally and throw statements

Module 7: File Handling and Input/Output

  • Reading and writing data using streams
  • File handling: Reading from and writing to files
  • Serialization and Deserialization

Module 8: Multithreading and Concurrency

  • Introduction to threads and concurrency
  • Creating and managing threads
  • Synchronization and thread safety
  • Thread communication and coordination

Module 9: Java Standard Library

  • Working with dates and times
  • Regular expressions
  • String manipulation and formatting
  • Math and Number classes

Module 10: Introduction to Java GUI

  • Introduction to JavaFX or Swing (based on preference)
  • Creating basic graphical interfaces
  • Event handling and user interactions

Module 11: Introduction to JDBC and Database Connectivity

  • Connecting to databases
  • Executing SQL queries
  • Handling result sets and updates

Module 12: Java Best Practices and Coding Standards

  • Code organization and naming conventions
  • Using comments and documentation
  • Error handling and defensive programming

Module 13: Advanced Concepts (Optional)

  • Enums and Annotations
  • Generics and Type Safety
  • Lambda Expressions and Functional Interfaces
  • Stream API for Data Manipulation
  • Concurrency Utilities (Thread Pools, Executors)
  • Reflection and Introspection

Module 14: Web Development with Servlets and JSP (Optional)

  • Introduction to web development
  • Servlets: Handling HTTP requests and responses
  • JavaServer Pages (JSP): Creating dynamic web pages
  • Session Management and Cookies

Module 15: Java Frameworks and Tools (Optional)

  • Introduction to popular Java frameworks (Spring, Hibernate)
  • Build tools: Maven and Gradle
  • Version control with Git

Module 16: Project and Practical Applications

  • Developing a simple Java application
  • Implementing concepts learned in the course
  • Working on a mini project

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