Java Tutorial : Java Variable Declaration & Initialization: Essential Guide | Session-4

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Welcome to this tutorial on Java Variable Declaration and Initialization. In this session, you’ll learn how to declare and initialize variables in Java, which is an essential concept in any Java program.

Step 1: What is a Variable?

A variable in Java is a container that holds data which can be used and manipulated throughout the program. Think of it as a labeled storage box where you can keep your data.

Step 2: Variable Declaration

In Java, variables must be declared with a specific type before you can use them. Here’s how you can declare a variable:

              int number;
              String name;

In the example above, int is the data type for a whole number, and String is the data type for a sequence of characters.

Step 3: Variable Initialization

After declaring a variable, you can assign it a value. This process is known as initialization:

              number = 10;
              name = "John";

You can also declare and initialize a variable in one line:

              int number = 10;
              String name = "John";

Step 4: Variable Types

Java supports various data types, including:

  • int: For whole numbers.
  • double: For decimal numbers.
  • char: For single characters.
  • boolean: For true/false values.


In this tutorial, you’ve learned the basics of declaring and initializing variables in Java. Understanding this concept is crucial as variables form the foundation of most Java programs. Keep practicing by declaring and initializing variables of different types!

Call to Action

Try declaring and initializing variables of all the types mentioned above. What happens when you try to assign a string to an int variable? Experiment and explore!

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